TopArt Convention
Meeting of the Creatives in Karlsruhe
In September 2023 we visited the TopArtCon in Karlsruhe. As guests and as a spontaneous part-time replacement for our friend and colleague Gianni from Quest Office.
The TopArt Convention is a brand new gathering for creatives of all kinds and interested people. We spent two really wonderful days there with like-minded people, played games, admired art and were even allowed to show our own books.
In the picture above you can see the Quest Office booth with our book Spektrallinien (back left), the already published story game Scherbenfresser (right) and the card game prototype Chosen (front left). Both games were or are being developed by Gianni and illustrated by Cuculum.
The organizers of TopArtCon have announced that there will be another edition of the convention next year and we are already looking forward to being there again. And who knows … maybe even as exhibitors this time?
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